
Sunday 30 September 2012

[Project] A Survey about Learning Bahasa Indonesia

As an Indonesian who have made several videos on Youtube about learning the language, i've got another idea about surveying my viewers (and one of them is you :) for their space to tell what they want in learning Bahasa Indonesia Language. So, i decide to make a short-survey to find out how they know a lot of things that related with Indonesia.

Tuesday 25 September 2012

[Photography] Told Ya!

Camera: Nokia 6063 classic
Location:  On the box
Model: Meli
Time: 09 June 2012
Edit: No No No

Friday 21 September 2012

[Movie] Scott Pilgrim Vs The World The Movie

Perhaps, this movie is described as video game in the movie, portraying all video game stuffs into a movie with typical teenagers love story with hundred over-effects. Scott Pilgrim based on comic book, if you can understand and read the comic first, you will get the points what is this movie tells about.

Thursday 20 September 2012

Me at Blogilicious Banjarmasin 2012

Me at the event
Yesterday, I've participated for one local event in IT forum. The title of event was so interesting for me; Blogging. Its called Blogilicious Banjarmasin 2012, an official event from Idblognetwork with local blogger community Blogger Banua.  There were more 100 participants in this event, besides it's supported by another Blogger communities around Indonesia. At least, there were 7 cities held this event.

Friday 14 September 2012

[File] Thank You For Watching Pictures for Youtube

When i see on the traffic resource on my Blogger dashboard, some of visitors come with particular keywords, one of them is "Thank You For Watching" for Youtube video, its because i've uploaded a screenshot of my video preview. So, i decide to make some for you. If you want to use these pics as your video template, feel free to use. Next, i am gonna make it as a tutorial.

Thursday 13 September 2012

How to Make a Simple Bookshelf from a Piece of Used Wood

Close enough
When i travelled into different places and i stayed in some cafe and rest-houses, i saw bookcases with many of books that you can take for one by exchanging your book. That's good idea for traveller who want to give their books to another travellers. So, so, rather than reading a book that may have been bored to read or making your luggage become more heavier, exchanging your book could good option.

Being inspired to do same thing, i decided to make a bookshelf (its little bookshelf) from used piece of wood, I'll use it for giving my book to people who want to do book exchange. So, it took a little bit time, tool and resource. All the things you need are:

For Tools:
- A Saw
- A Hammer
- Nails
- A Sharp Knife

For Resource
- Piece of wood 

For Time
- 30 minutes 

Basically, to make a simple book shelf you can see this pic to start make a foundation:

A piece of wood and 4 side sticks for foundation, you will need more...

And then you can build the bookshelf like this:

And this is the result, it looks fragile, so for suggestion, don't put too much heavy books inside:

The Result, you can put it beside the door.

Wednesday 12 September 2012

[Internet] How to Share Youtube Videos into Facebook

There are two easy steps to share Youtube videos into Facebook, not only sharing the video, you can also share mp3 video by using "share" feature. Just search the song and find unofficial video, at least wont make your Facebook friends get hard to buffer it.

Sunday 9 September 2012

Warnet; an Affordable Place to Connect Internet for Travelllers

To keep in touch through Internet with cheap way, using warnet is the good choice instead sitting on the cafe to get free wi-fi by buying a glass of coffee. Warnet is abbreviation from “Warung Internet”; it means “Internet CafĂ©”. Despite it depicts something that related with drinking place, warnet is totally different in the usage. People use warnet to connect internet only as their main purpose, not to drink something and then hang-out there for hours.

Saturday 8 September 2012

[Tips] How to Find Language Exchange Partner

Speaking is the most important part in language mastering. To communicate, we must speak to tell our purpose. In the language learning, speaking is one of the best ways to fasten and enrich learners’ fluency. For language learners, it's recommended to have exchange language partner to help them learn intensively.

Friday 7 September 2012

[Thought] Dont use Cellphone

Cellphone is something that modern people cant live without, so its like secondatry need for people communication nowaday. Day by day, cellphone not only as the way to call people through the voice, but its changed a lot to be a internet device too.So, are we still calling that stuff with the cellphone?

Thursday 6 September 2012

Travelling Summary Photos around Sulawesi, Bali and Java 2012

I've been travelled for 45 days to wandering around Sulawesi, Bali and Java in my fasting month vacation. Its my first time to travel around the places that far away from my home. There are many experiences i've got in visiting new place. New people, new culture, and new friends especially. And there also many stories for each places i have been visited. One week in Toraja, Get Lost in Bali, Walking around Yogyakarkat, Doing Off-road to Tangkuban Perahu spontaneously, and then had celebrated Ied Fitri on Jakarta as my final destination. Here are some photos for summary of my travelling. I can say i have been wandered from Bali to Jakarta :)