Discography is a collection of music catalogue from few mini-album (EP) or full album (LP) which is released to annotate further explanation about the artist details and time when they were released. As a amateur music producer who has been making dozens of tracks , I feel that it is important thing about having a discography . At least if you already have 4-9 songs or so.
Some said that discography is professional works because, of course it is, but I have different reasons if music producers should archive their sound works, so that people can trace the process of their music journey or so on.
For me personally, discography is a container of progress in my study of music which each music I have released is an outlook and skill development, in addition the works I produced is my representation of what I want to tell about my view through music.
If a collection of photographic works need an album , so collection of music works need a discography because we can look the process of making form (can be physical and giving the time of manufacture and process such CD or digital release only).
For me personally, discography is a container of progress in my study of music which each music I have released is an outlook and skill development, in addition the works I produced is my representation of what I want to tell about my view through music.
If a collection of photographic works need an album , so collection of music works need a discography because we can look the process of making form (can be physical and giving the time of manufacture and process such CD or digital release only).