The interesting part I’ve got is a Banjarese songs album in VCD that has been released by local government, when I got home, I tried to play it on my little bro’s laptop. Apparently, not only on mp3, but these contain music video too that I saw sometimes on local TV channel. The theme inside is all about Banjarmasin with Banjarese lyrics, here are the track list which consist of 9 tracks:
- Kota Seribu Sungai.mp3
- Raja Panting.mp3
- Sasirangan.mp3
- Selamat Datang.mp3
- Soto Banjar.mp3
- Tarukui.mp3
- Wadai Banjar.mp3
- Wisata Pasar Terapung.mp3
- Wisata Sungai.mp3
Total : 45 Mb
Because most of people who look for Banjarese songs prefer in mp3 format, I ripped the videos into high-quality compressed files. My purpose is introducing Banjarese culture through songs with archived releases music album. Inside this upload, I attached meta-data file and cover-art.
For those who want to download it, you can grab it here for free in the following link: http://www.mediafire.com/download/715fr1yrr5r83ao/VA_-_Profil_Wisata_Banjarmasin_(2014).rar
No commercial purpose in this upload, its strictly forbidden to sell it or another commercial form, If you are interested to seek another Banjarese songs, I plan to archive Banjarese song album releases based on the date if I find another vcd or anything else.
Btw, support the artist by coming to their gigs or buy their merchs.. hehe., jk.